The Best Interview Drills to Win

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“The best offense is a good defense.”

This saying gets drilled into every athlete’s mind before any contest. Fight the competition by always taking a step ahead and outsmarting their every move. That’s where their daily training, exercises, and strict diets come into play.

Job seekers are not much different from athletes, in the sense that they are also in a competition with others to win a highly-coveted prize. The game in this case is the job interview, with the job offer as the trophy for the winner.

How does one succeed in the job hunting game? Like athletes preparing for a competition, job seekers must do practice drills before going to interviews. They’re not the usual type of athletic drills, of course, but the following exercises will help any interviewee win big and score the touchdown at their respective interviews.

The Warm – Up:
Once you get an invite for a job interview, learn as much as you can about the company who contacted you. Check out the company’s website to get important information. If you know somebody working with the company, great! Use it to your advantage and ask them what they’re looking for in an applicant.

Review the job description to know the requirements of the position. Study it to know what you can offer and the areas you need to work on.

The Actual Drills:
Set-up mock interviews to help you prepare for the real thing and have somebody you trust to act as your interviewer. Nowadays, interviews come in all shapes and forms so prepare for all possible scenarios. With your partner, be ready and rehearse for the following types of interviews:

  • Face-to-Face (May be one-on-one or a group set-up)
  • Phone
  • Video Call

Pay close attention to your answers during this mock interview. Avoid answering with just a “yes” or a “no”. Your answers must have substance in them so that they are able to give clear information to the interviewer – answers that tell a story are your best bet. Keep your answers short though, so it helps to anticipate the questions beforehand and have some ready and rehearsed answers for them. Work on it with your “interviewer” and rehearse until you perfect your responses.

Be mindful of your body language during this exercise. According to body language expert Carol Kinsey all it takes is just seven seconds from the start of the job interview for the recruiter to make an impression about you and whether you are right for the job. Start your interview on the right path by conveying strong, positive non-verbal cues. In this regard, recording the mock interview may serve you well. Here are some essentials to remember:

  • Keep eye contact with the interviewer
  • Smile
  • Lean forward to convey interest
  • Extend a firm handshake

Develop a sales pitch about yourself as a practice drill. To do this, you should be able to summarize your resume by focusing on your career highlights and the necessary skills required by the job you are applying to. Make them see you would make for a worthy hire. Keep it short (under two minutes or less) and practice delivering it in front of the mirror or with a friend.

The Cool Down:
Set the mood right by putting yourself at ease. Relax, sit still for 10 – 15 minutes and listen to music that calms you down.

Think positive, self-affirming thoughts and let the Law of Attraction take hold. (“This job is mine. I am the right person for this.”)

Think of your skills and best qualities that meets the job’s needs and repeat them to yourself. (“I am a people person. I would make for a great Customer Service Representative.”)

Always remember, practice makes perfect so keep on doing these drills until you get the goal. Don’t stop until you’re the winner!

Source: Jobstreet


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