UN climate report draws grim picture
Scientists predict disturbing future for the Earth, saying by 2100 the oceans will be between 26 and 97cm higher. It was a long night and the delegate's coats were still hanging in the cloakroom. Some spent all night on the final night, going line by line through thousands of scientific papers, putting the finishing touches to the science report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Now it is released, what does it say about the state of the Earth's climate system? There is no disputing that it is a grim picture: a world with more frequent heatwaves, an ice-free Arctic in the summer, devastating floods, and sea levels rising fast. "Warming is unequivocal," IPCC vice-chairman Jean-Pascal van Ypersele tells me. "It is extremely clear that most of it is due to human activity. The good news is that we can now act to reduce emissions and protect climate for future generations." But is that too optimistic? And can the world's g...